A mare and its foal lived in a beautiful meadow, with plenty of sweet grass and fresh water and lots of space to gallop around in. But the foal wasn’t happy and kept begging his mother for a change.
“Let’s go to another place,” he said, tossing his little mane. “I am sure we’ll find better grass, clearer water and an even bigger space for stretching our legs!”
His mother would patiently tell him to enjoy what he had, but he wouldn’t listen. Finally, tired of the pestering, the mother decided to move.
All day long, they walked. The two horses toiled up steep hills, crossed baking deserts and trotted through rocks so sharp they tore at the hooves. Finally, the foal was so tired and hungry, he longed to drink cool water and eat fresh grass.
“When are we going to reach that place?” he asked.
The mare told him to be patient. It was night when they reached a beautiful meadow, with sweet grass and crystal clear water. The foal sighed with happiness.
“This is such a good place!” he exclaimed to his mother. “Now aren’t you happy you came?” At dawn, he looked around expectantly and saw that they were in the same meadow where he had been born!
Moral: Be grateful for and satisfied with what you have.